Top 5 Educational ForEx YouTube Channels For Beginners

A successful ForEx trade is all about adapting to the vast changes in the ForEX market . This can only be done through continuous learning from as many different educational sources as you may find. Many of us don’t have the time in our busy lives neither to read a hard-covered nor a PDF book about ForEX. So watching a nice interesting ForEx video, might be 
   . more convenient on-the-go choice for all the go getters 

Anyway, try to diversify your learning methods and materials, So that you get as much knowledge as you possibly can ,Try our list of Top 5 Educational YouTube Channel for a better more joyful learning experience

Warrior Trading

best forex channels on youtube 2017/2018
 Founder\s: Ross at
Joined YouTube since: January9, 2013
No. of Subscribers: over 100k
No. of Views: over 9 million

Channel description

warrior Trading is one of the biggest inevestors’ society with globally active Forex traders.
Ross the headquarter and founder of this large Forex community, the skilled day trader and courses instructor is teaching Forex basics for eginners to end up making living from the Forex trading
Trade Empowered

top 5 forex channels on youtube 2017/2018
Founder\s: experts of
Joined YouTube since: March30, 2009
No. of Subscribers: over 100k
No. of Views: over 7 million
Channel description

This educational Forex channel  offers free beginners training through courses, mentorship and any extra tools needed to get the Forex traders to the stage whereas they remove any emotional elements from their Forex trade judgment.
It introduces the EST Forex principal for having an organized target

Bulls on Wall Street

bulls-on-wall-street-forex-channel on youtube
Founder\s: Kunal Desai founder of
Joined YouTube since: November11, 2009
No. of Subscribers: over 40k
No. of Views: about 4.5 million

Channel description

This Forex-specialized channel offer a comprehensive view for the US Forex market.
It won’t only teach you the Forex basics, yet it will take you to the skills of largest Forex investors.
Kunal Desai always emphasizing on the how important it’s to be in full control over your financial destiny

Astro Forex

astro channel talking about fores trade 2017/2018
Founder\s: A. Natt and S. Lee
Joined YouTube since: January10, 2012
No. of Subscribers: over 4ok
No. of Views: over 1.2 million

Channel description

British founders of this Forex community are both self-taught, have been working extremely hard to become what they are right now.
They offer an 18-lesson course provide with the pure Forex knowledge, skills, list of expected mistakes to avoid, 11 of the best Forex strategies, mony management and Forex trader’s psychology

Forex Reviews

Forex-Reviews forex channel on youtube
Founder\s: Timon Weller at
Joined YouTube since: February9, 2013
No. of Subscribers: over 37k
No. of Views: over 2.5 million

Channel description

Videos are instructed by the famous blogger, writer and part-time trader “Timon Weller”
In his videos he is offering you all available choices and roads for becoming a professional Forex trader.
videos always include simple yet efficient tips and forex advices, strategies and a lot more.
It guides to take the right trading decision in the Forex market

Final Word

These are only some of the best educational Forex channels.
Ofcourse there’s alot more than thes 5 channls, but we choose the best in terms of intellectuality, reliance, right-to-the-point and persuasiveness.
You could to choose any channel of the previous list according your personal taste and preferences

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